
Pinner Hill Golf Club

Captain's Farewell Charity Shotgun

Monday 29th August 2022
Pinner Hill Golf Course, Tees - Yellow (Men), Red (Ladies)
Texas Scramble
H'cap Allowance: 25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap

Please enter as individuals to be drawn into teams of 4.  Texas Scramble format.  Yellow and Red tees. Min 4 drives per player. 

Those on A holes should tee off at 08.20, with the shotgun for all other competitors going off at 08.30.  There are prizes for Nearest the Pin on 4, 11 and 15, with the Longest Drive on hole 6 - one prize for men and one prize for ladies.

Captain's Farewell Charity Shotgun

Monday 29th August 2022, Yellow & Red Tees, Pinner Hill Golf Course

(25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap)

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Score 
1stSimon Angold, Steven Nicholas Hale, Lenny Kabiro, Jon Tilney50 
2ndMark Hastings, Mary Hyett, Martin Tilney, Chris Woodcock52 
3rdNishit Bavishi, Marc Knight, Colin Magee, Simon Porter52 
4thWilliam Angold, Peter Bonney, Christine Watts, Lalith Wijayasekara53 
5thDavid Benson, Mark Graham, Brian Leslie, Nim Thakrar53 
6thPrakash Davda, Steven Dawson, Minesh Parmar, Alan Watts54 
7thRamakrishnan Balasubramanian, David Barr, Gill Mannion, Michael Norris54 
8thGarry Fletcher, Andy Hunt, Jan Sampson, Matthew Tattersall54 
9thAndrew Nicholls, Tanay M. Shah, Ashok Unzia, Martin Walsh55 
10thSteve Curd, Martin Toye, David Whittaker, Caroline Young55 
11thSantanu Das, Michael Patterson, Stuart Smith, David W. Toye55 
12thDavid Hale, Zilvinas Skaburskis, David Williams, Shirley Yeoh55 
13thKeith Bailey, Philip Giddens, Salil Patel, Serian Patel55 
14thOlegas Gedrimas, Colin Fredrick Hyett, John Kaseke, Jane Tierney56 
15thMartin Bronkhorst, Andrew Dulake, Alan Sharpe, Andrea Shearman56 
16thNeil Besley, Ian Coyle, Barry King, Jaysukh Thakrar56 
17thMarius Baltiejus, Peter Dale, Askale Daley, Mital Shah56 
18thJohn Choopani, David Doyle, Samir Shah, Sangita Shah57 
19thGee Gunalan, Ian J. Hammond, Sue Johnstone, Jinny Lee58 
20thPaul Abbott, Raj Chaggar, William Moran, Bok Yeoh60 

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £5.00 Per Member (Required On Entry)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 84

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